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I've reached the first boxing match and I get nowhere. I can't see anything regarding controlling the MC, I just get hit twice and then its game over. It also seems to bug out in full screen mode and the fight doesnt even start, I can only start the match in a small window.

Is there a guide to the boxing somewhere?

Yes. Watch this video: 

Keep in mind this video was made with ZIsland v0.9 is still not available for free. But mechanic remains the same

Played this after playing the Sanji game and I have to say, this is probably one of the more ambitious projects I have seen on this site, really looking forward to seeing how both games develop, keep up the fantastic work.


Thank you so much!! we keep on working on both games!


Great game, although I will say that when doing the "dances" with the girls around the map on Forgotten Island, you don't actually have alignment during the sex scenes like "stand behind" or "on top" and stuff like that. Hopefully that'll be fixed soon. Other than that, it's a great game overall and I enjoy playing it.


Love it that now there's more interaction with NPC's but for some reason it always shows like this... if I choose my clothing on they show up standing with no interaction... Is there a way to correct it? Graphics on medium

Thanks in advance, love the game!

Thank you for the feedback and your comment! May I ask you if you're playing 1st person? or 3rd person camera? I just found out that if you're playing first person, MC will not appear. You can switch from 1st person to 3rd and back with "U" key.

I'll fix this bug for v0.12 version. Thank you for letting us know.

That might be it then! I'll try it out next playthrough thanks!

Great, thanks! And I'll be working on this bug once we release v0.11 next week. Thank you again!


It worked as soon as I changed it to 3rd person! Thanks and please do keep the awesome work!

Thank you!! these words mean a lot to us!

How can I get tequila? The barmaid's inventory is empty. No tequila.

You may already have it. In the right panel you can see that there are 4 icons:

  • A bag (here you will find items that you can wear).
  • A couple of items like food (consumables)
  • A hammer with an anvil (items to combine)
  • And a book, click on the last one (quest items).

Now, you don't need to "handle over" the item to Sandy, just talk to her with the item in your inventory. That's all.

(3 edits)

Thank you for reply.

But I haven't anything in my inventory either. A Bag, consumables, crafts, quest items.

When I told Sandy, she said "Where is my tequila?"

I can't buy from a barmaid. In front her, I pressed E key, She doesn't have anything in her inventory.

First, we need to check what version are you playing, and where did you get it from?

If you play right from the start, this will be the items the bartender has to offer. Please make sure you play from the beginning and talk to the girl at the bar. In order to "buy" the tequila, you need to "right-click" on the item, or just "drag-it" to the right panel.

Then talk to Sandy again.

We can see from your screen capture that you "haven't bought" the tequila yet, you still have $2500.

If you need further assistance, please let us know current version your playing and if you downloaded it here or somewhere else.

Thank you.

My version is 0.7.1 and download here.

Restarting the game again solved this problem.

In the previous game, I first talked to the women around me and then go to the dancing woman. next, I go to barmaid, I can't find tequila.

In the game restated, I first talked to the dancing woman and go to the barmaid, so I was able to buy tequila.

Great to know you fixed the problem. I can't seem to reproduce it. If you find the right steps to repro de problem, please let us know. Thank you so much for your feedback!


Does this game have NTR?


Sorry, no NTR content at this time. I don't think we'll add it in the future either

(2 edits) (+3)

Yeah its a good thing, I don't like NTR!

Being rip is hot, but why are they all ripped?

(1 edit) (+1)

Good question, for both technical reasons and the story. Technical limitations made us choose some basic and common features, due to story we had to set NPCs to a standard body. This will change in future games.

Being indie means lack of resources, but if we grow we will be able to improve things like these


will this game will have an android version?

Sadly it's not possible due to current components stack. Some of them are just not fully compatible with Android nor any unix / linux systems. We are taking this into account for future projects because we feel that we should make all of our games portable.

Deleted 207 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

We compiled it for linux successfully once. But it crashed at runtime precisely because of one of the 3rd party components. We are already working on new projects and keeping this in mind so that our future games are portable.... I myself am a Linux user

Deleted 207 days ago
(2 edits)

Okay, I have played up until my quest list has two "In development" quests. So I am assuming I have reached the end so far. One is getting with Aiko in the shower of their new home, and the other is drumming up business at the Burger Joint and the Bank.
Also, there is a bug. First of all, there are no instructions as to HOW to fight in the ring. If you lose, the game locks you in the locker room, and you cannot get out! I had to Sign Out of Windows to get out of the bug. Once I figured out how to swing my fists in the fight. NONE of my swings landed, until miraculously, after about 1.5 minutes, I knocked the guy out. Don't know how I did it, because the whole thing was janky and done incorrectly. 1. Please provide fighting instructions. 2. Please provide Skip Fight and Automatically Win like Being A Dik. 3. Please fix bug that locks you in the locker/changing room if you lose the fight. 4. Please make the fighting aspect less janky. Make it feel like you're fighting!

Where is the link to join your Discord? Found it, but Discord keeps saying it is sending me a verification code to my cell phone, and it never does. Tried it twelve times. I am giving up now. Bummer!

Thank you @atreyuu2003 for your comments. We are a very small team and all feedback is needed in order to improve our game. You're feedback is important to us.

First, you're right, we need to give players advice about the mini-boxing game and we're discussing to include a pop-up before first oficial fight with the commands and how to fight. Also, a "Skip fight" option should be included... we do not recommend to use it as we think an important part of the game is about "enduring difficulties and progress through them", that is one of the main ideas behind the hole story. Boxing mechanic is still a work in progress.

On the other hand, we're assuming you are a patron and have access to chapter 8, which includes fighting as part of the main story. You can reach us through Patreon and we will help you anyway we can.

We do not understand how Discord asks you about your phone number or any additional information. Our discord channel doesn't have any special requirements, and invitations are at our official page foot. Here's the link: 


Please be careful with unofficial links or possible "scammers". We do not ask for additional information and let us know if you have problems joining our discord. Also, keep in mind you can reach us through Patreon:

Finally, please feel free to contact us directly anytime. We're always looking for feedback as we believe it's the only way we can improve our game. Thank you again.

(1 edit)

By the way, currently "fight sequence" is:

- Wait for your opponent to attack then dodge it by pressing "A" or "D"

- After dodging, attack your opponent by pressin "W", you only need to land one punch

You can practice first with "punk styled" guys at the main inland streets if you need to.

Does the game work with joiplay android?

Hey! sadly, joiplay works only with "html" based platforms, Z-Island is fully compiled .exe file which works only on Windows based platforms


pretty cool, but honestly the story so far after 1 hour of playing needs some feeling of actual choice. Adult video games are really only better than porn if the story is amazing or it offers kinks not available elsewhere. this is probably personal taste on my part, but the story actively takes me out of the rest of a really cool adult game concept.

We agree with you, the lack of resources makes it difficult for us to focus on a specific area like story, we also need to pay attention to gameplay, animations, etc. The indies have more freedom and therefore can tell better stories and break taboos. . But at the same time, we need a lot of time to achieve a complete concept. Anyway, thanks for your comments and... we really agree with you! We hope to do better over time.

Please keep playing until the end and let us know if your opinion remains the same.


will do

Thank you!

It's titled v0.8 but downloads only have 6.7 or something like that

Indeed, we'll be changing the name to generic title, v0.8 is available at our patron page for now... but will be eventually available here too


It looks like a awesome game 😁😁😁

Thank you so much!! :D


Sorry somebody know in this game gonna be impregnation and pregnancy?

Don't want to spoil anything here, we haven't decided if ZIsland will introduce pregnancy content or not. Probably will have the answer in the near future. Stay tuned or DM us through our official channels


way too much camera bobbing. this is the only game ive ever played thats made me nauseous

Hello! Thanks for the feedback. For some players, the fast tracking camera can cause strange side effects. We will try to add a new option so that you can adjust the aiming speed of the camera. Hope this helps with the feeling.

Done, next release will include 2 options:
- Camera bobbing on/off
- Turn and look rate increase/decrease

We hope this will let players personalize their experience.

Thank you again for your feedback


Is this game VR accessible because Steam VR keeps opening every time I use it

Hey there!, we do have a VR experience with 4 rooms for our patrons, it uses the same game engine and content (design, models, etc.). But the game cannot be played as a VR game for now. 

We might add more content to the VR experience in the future if we see enough interest, but always as a spin-off or different project.


Definitely a good game but for some reason its so laggy and i just play  about half hour then unnistall it again. I play Apex Legend with medium graphic its still run 90-100 fps but  this game only about 20-30 with stutter lag. Maybe my pc spec is to low ( GTX 1660  16 GB RAM ) for this as i dont see anyone mentioning about this problem.

Hey there, well, GTX-1660 should be able to handle the game. But probably not at the best quality. Please, go to "options" and play around with the video settings until you find the best configuration for your PC, lower them a little bit each time until you get the best results. Please let us know if everything works after that or you still experience performance issues.


I would have liked to know if there were other languages in the game? If not, your game is very cool even if I don't understand it :)

There's a "More information" collapsed link at our page, you can find there the information you're looking for. And we're planning on adding more languages once we have finished the game.

Thank you for your comment!! We really appreciate it!


Ok thanks ;)


Please fix the volume controls for the audio. 
At the moment (V.6) it is impossible to reduce the volume of the girls moaning to acceptable levels or to 0 despite what is shown on the GUI.



Oh, didn't know about this bug. Thank you for your feedback. We'll fix it right away


Ok. Bug has been fixed and will be delivered with the next version


Thank you for being so responsive!


Thank you for your feedback, the quality of our game depends completely on players who step up and let us know what they think. Thank you!


Amazing game and gameplay!


Thank you! glad to know you enjoyed our game! :D


can't wait for the following chapters!! It looks great and seems that there's a lot yet to be done!!


So good

Thank you!! and next month chapter 4 will be launched here for free, chapter 5 and 5.5 on our patreon page


Anyway to turn the music down or off ?

Implemented on chapter 3 :) 

Which will be released for free on April 8th


Does Chapter 2 give me chapter 1 as well?


Yes, and all future releases will do the same


Thank you for replying :D I am looking forward to this game


Hey! just loaded my CH1 save file in CH2 and im stuck on the sleep screen, my options are sleep (e) cancel (r) and neither keys do anything, any idea whats up?

Interesting, never happened before, maybe try to load from a couple of minutes back and then get to the "bed" point. Try again and see if it works. Just keep in mind you don't need to "move" or change previous saved files, they will be automatically ported, if they're not we can check it out on our discord channel. Please let us know if this works or you need further assistance


There's only one save available for me to load in the new version of the game, so I'm unable to load any further back

I see. I can only think of two solutions, the first one is to start all over again, please save often. The second option: I can share with you my personal savings if you pm me in our discord channel. I'm jptester

This game is still in under development and only once it's been fully completed everything will work as intended. But I'll gladly keep on assisting you. Thank you for trying ZIsland


how do i transfer save files i beg


You mean "transfer from chapter 1 to 2"? you don't need to. It is automatically done. The game should read me by default. Now, if you mean how to move from one machine to another, you can find your saved files at: 

C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\ZIsland

Replace <your user name> with your windows user name and you will find a "Saved" folder which contains your saved data. Hope this helps


Says the dicksword invite is invalid btw


Oops, my mistake. Previous link expired. Now it's been updated. Thank you for the feedback


it ran really smooth for me but it was rocking the hell out of my gpu at 110 lol  3060  im going to turn down the settings next time i jump in to maybe help with temp but its a beautiful game as far as I have got into so far runs very smooth

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lol I find that odd, my 3060 runs this game on nearly max settings 4k resolution xD


Game looks great! Best animation I've seen on here in a while. Is there future plans to make the game more like a sandbox version? Just curious, I can't wait for updates! 

Yes! But you guys will have to wait for chapter 3 which is already in production and we'll give players more options so we can get the most of our small but free world... well... archipelago


Awesome! I can't wait, keep it up!


super impressed. I’m not that far in. But looks great. Works great. Thanks for the great work

Thank you! so glad to know you enjoy it, it is still a work in progress and we're really trying hard to meet players expectations

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So after my experience with chapter 1, I had to get on Patreon to support you and get my hands on chapter 2. Just finished it, and I enjoyed it as much or maybe even more then I enjoyed the first chapter. Can't wait to see the next chapter :D 

Thank you so much R3aper, and welcome to our community, so glad to have you onboard!


seems like a good game but it's really laggy for me and it just crashed so i can't play it :(

Sorry for the inconvenience. Maybe you could try changing in the "options" panel some values, so the game won't require so much hardware power. Please let us know if it helps


i did that and it worked, thank you for the advice

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For what it's worth I can assure you the game is very well optimized, my playthrough was in 4k resolution and the only setting that wasn't maxed on "cinematic" was Shadows on "Epic" and ran smooth as hell xD

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Just finished what you have available and I'm amazed. The characters, the story so far, all of it is awesome, threw me off at first when I saw it was first/third person but that's epic, runs very well too. I'm excited to see what you bring out next. Also the animations and artwork on the character models are really nice.

Thank you so much!!

Can you show an example of an animated scene? Unless that gif is exactly what the game looks like. I'm picky about animation.


The animated scenes used in the game are worked in 1920 x 1080. remember that v0.1 is free. we invite you to try it. 

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sad when you discover a fresh game that looks promising but cant download between mega download limit and google download telling me too many people have accessed it in a short period of time xD 

You can now download it from MediaFire

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Legend :D


Can you put a download link by mediafire? In mega download up to 1.5 Gb every 6 hours
And the google drive link is down

Thank you

Sure, please give me a couple of minutes to upload the file.

You can now download it from MediaFire


has potential, interested to see how this goes


Promote your game here

(2 edits)

Thanks @Neversaynever, we are aware of the post and are already taking notes on all the comments. However, we prefer to talk to the players here :)

Anyway, we are very grateful to the f95zone community and their feedback.


Do you  have Discord?

Indeed, updating our page right now and also dropping this link here:

Hello everybody, thank you so much for your support. We know some of you have had problems downloading the file, we're working on other options, please consider supporting the project so we can buy a decent dedicated server.

Thank you so much everyone


Download link doesn't work

Please click on "Download Now" to get the link. it is currently working. 


It's not.

You're right. We just checked and the file has been downloaded just too many times. Thank you everyone!

Now it is available for downloading at:

Please download it from:



Thank you!

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